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적에서 동료가 된 원태인과 오재일의 홈런레이스(ENG SUB)

스포츠 맛집 2020. 12. 18. 05:23

Won Tae-in and Oh Jae-il's home run race from enemies to teammates

1호 쓰리런/1st three run
2호 그랜드슬램/2nd grand slam
3호 투런/3rd two run
4호 쓰리런/4th three run
5호 투런/5th two run

⚾️원태인 vs 오재일 기록(Won tae-in vs Oh jae il)
✔️통산 13타수 8안타 5홈런(Eight hits in 13 at-bats and five home runs)
✔️타율 0.615/출루율 0.687/장타율 1.846/OPS 2.533
(batting average 0.615/On-base percentage 0.687/ slugging percentage 1.846/OPS 2.533)

내 사전에 솔로홈런은 헌납하지 않는다. -원 태 인-
I don't dedicate a solo home run in my life. - Won Tae-in-

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